Hotel Leger 2019
Mokelumne Hill, CA
Hotel Leger 2019
Mokelumne Hill, CA
The entire Bender family attended the 2nd Annual Mother Lode ParaQuest as guest lecturer's for Doug Carnahan. His well planned conference did not disappoint on amazing attendee's, gracious celebrities, and an inviting venue.

The outside of the hotel was unchanged, since our last investigation. The inside has been beautifully painted and staged in perfect splendor.

The Bender Family was ready to explore Mokelumne Hill, CA and begin the evenings first adventure.

To my amazement, our five year old daughter Ally, went with us down into the jail and original tunnel.

Once down the wine cellar, she asked, " Where are the ghosties ?" A conference attendee, Bill, looked over and watched a large, heavy chandelier start swinging widely. After he made the group aware of the event, poor Ally became a little scared. The swinging stopped. There was no way for any draft in the closed off tunnel entrance. We all continued with the intended EVP and dowsing session.

The next day was filled with lectures and meeting old and new friends.

Behind the hotel was were the prisoners were hung. Now a gorgeous pool occupies the guillotine location.

In two different rooms, the stacked coins on our desks were spread out while we were away. This repeated every day, but never for the same guest.