Amador County Courthouse and Jail
Amador County Courthouse and Jail
Established in 1854, the courthouse was used until 2007. The original wooden building burned down in 1862 and was rebuilt out of brick in the same location. Today's exterior is the Art Deco renovation from 1939. Years after 1940, the jail was added.

Location: 108 Court St. Jackson, CA 95642
Investigation: Nov. 10, 2019
The front of the building kept pulling Ann's attention with glimpses of white flashes. Even when inside she felt a highway of spirits zipping by. Just in case one paused for a photo, she kept her flash off. Outside felt like stepping much farther back in time. The activity felt intense and with purpose.

The above images are untouched. The image on the right has been enhanced to more clearly see the KKK like attire, including the angle and size of the hat. Below is cropped.

Low and behold, one presence decided to slow just enough for a picture. The white flash that Ann kept catching out of the corner of her eye is seen below. Look close and you can see the pointed hood of a KKK like member. Actual legal cases took place involving the Superior Court and picketing in front of the court house. It should also be noted that the newspapers of the 1800's went out of their way to deny clan activity.

The historic KKK images are only for reference to the above apparition.
Since Dave is a mix of races, he did not want to stick around following the investigation. This is a good example of way dark shadows are not always bad and white is not always good.
"We all need to be aware of our surroundings, and firm in our own convictions."

Inside Doug greeted all investigation guests with instructions of safety. He did not warn us about the creepy clowns!

To get an idea how it felt to be inside, we turned off the lights and walked in darkness.

The intense feeling of heaviness was worse in almost every shower. The feeling was a total absence of any emotion.

The whole experience is without words. If you tour here, bring a flashlight and no fear of what lives in the shadows.

The above image was taken with in succession with the next image. I felt a presence very near me. As expected what was close, didn't allow the camera to focus. The following image was the tail end of something or someone leaving the area.